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How will food hygiene legislation change after Brexit?


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The UK has some of the most stringent food safety and hygiene legislation in the world. However, with much of that legislation existing through our membership of the European Union, there are concerns about how food safety standards will be affected following Brexit.

Most significant is that food safety in post-Brexit Britain will be solely the preserve of our own Food Standards Agency, rather than falling under the umbrella of the European Food Safety Authority. While we may have stringent laws regarding food hygiene and safety, the regulation and implementation of those laws has not always been a top priority for ministers. The concern is that, without the EFSA looking over its shoulder, the FSA’s own standards will slip.

Legislation such as the Food Contaminants Regulations and the Microbiological Criteria Regulations, both of which apply to food preparation as much as food production, are just two of the laws set to fall by the wayside following Brexit and, as yet, there is nothing to replace them. The FSA insists that all standards of inspection will remain the same regarding such issues as storing and preparing food in commercial kitchens. However, the fact is that no-one will really know until new legislation is passed through Parliament.

No longer obliged to follow the EU's lead on the matter, might kitchen hygiene regulations be given short shrift in favour of reducing costs and red tape?

Even at this stage, so close to Brexit Day, it’s impossible to tell. Doubtless the fundamentals will remain the same, but the specific technicalities of any new law may take some time to make themselves felt.

At Kitchen and Duct Cleaning Ltd, we provide a wide variety of commercial kitchen deep cleaning services both in London and across the UK. Our team of experienced cleaners undergo regular and rigorous training to keep abreast of all Food Safety Regulations in the UK, so you can rest assured that whatever legislative changes may occur following Brexit, we can help you stay compliant. For more information and a free, no obligation quote, contact KDC today.

How will food hygiene legislation change after Brexit?
Article Updated On:
December 19, 2024
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