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5 Viruses & Bacteria Your Restaurant Needs to Avoid!

Discover key viruses and bacteria threatening kitchens, including Norovirus and E. coli, and why regular deep cleaning by KDC is essential for safety.

3-4 Min

With the coronavirus pandemic at the forefront of everybody’s mind, good hygiene and commercial kitchen cleaning have rarely had a higher profile. However, while COVID-19 might be in all the headlines, it’s important to remember that there are several serious viruses and bacteria that can breed in any restaurant environment that need to be avoided at all costs.

Here at KDC, we specialise in commercial kitchen cleaning solutions across the country. In our long years of experience, we have always tried to educate our clients on the importance of regular kitchen cleaning and good hygiene practices.

Here are five of the most common and virulent bacteria and viruses found in British kitchens and why it is a really good idea to avoid them.

1. Norovirus

This virus is often known by its charming pseudonym of "winter vomiting bug." It is a viral stomach infection that – whilst highly unpleasant – normally goes away within a day or two. Its most common symptoms are nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting. It is highly contagious, being spread through contact with people who have it, as well as surfaces or objects that have been exposed to it.

2. Campylobacter

Campylobacter refers to several types of bacteria that result in food poisoning – a natural concern for any restaurant. Typical symptoms include gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Campylobacter germs (bacteria) are commonly ingested in food that has either been undercooked or prepared in a poorly-sanitised environment.

3. Salmonella

There are around 100 strains of salmonella known to cause infections in humans. While they have a diverse range of symptoms, those most commonly reported are diarrhoea, fever, and stomach cramps. These symptoms tend to last around four to seven days. Like the campylobacter germs described above, salmonella bacteria are normally transmitted by undercooked food or unsanitary cooking conditions.

4. E-coli

Like salmonella, there are various strains of e. coli, but the one that concerns us is e. coli O157. Symptoms range from a mild stomach ache to severe bloody diarrhoea, haemolytic uraemic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. These last conditions affect a person’s blood, kidneys, and central nervous systems.

5. Staphylococcal

Unlike the other diseases on this list, staphylococcus bacteria tend not to make it into a person’s food. They are transmitted by contact with other carriers or by surfaces that have been touched by someone with the infection. Symptoms include painful lumps and bumps on the skin, sores, crusts, and blisters, sore red eyelids, and hot and swollen skin.

Of course, the best way to protect your restaurant or other eating establishment from these viruses and bacteria is to undergo regular commercial kitchen deep cleaning combined with effective inhouse cleaning. Get in touch with KDC today to arrange a free consultation and to get a free, no-obligation quote.

5 Viruses & Bacteria Your Restaurant Needs to Avoid!
Article Updated On:
January 27, 2025
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