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How Do Consumers Use Your Food Hygiene Rating?


Food hygiene rating displayed on a door

People are more concerned about the quality of their food than ever before. They want it to look good, smell great, and taste amazing. Most importantly, they want to know that the food they’re consuming is safe and free from health hazards.

The Food Hygiene Rating System (FHRS) imposed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) continues to play an important role for customers deciding to dine out at a commercial restaurant, café, or other establishment.

A bi-annual report by the FSA has shown a definite increase both in customers’ awareness of the system and their personal standards when it comes to applying that information to their own dining habits.

Here are some important facts to be drawn from the study:

1. National awareness

Of the people surveyed across England, a full 50% confirmed that they knew about the FHRS and what it was. While we might expect it to be more, knowing that one in every two customers understands and appreciates the system should highlight the importance of the kitchen equipment cleaning process.

2. Use of the system

Over a third of English customers advised that they would base their decision to eat in an establishment on the FHRS rating they received. Another third confirmed that the rating “might” play a part in their decision. That’s a considerable proportion of the foot traffic to your restaurant likely to be swayed by your rating.

3. Recognition

Over three quarters of the English population advised that they recognise the FHRS certificates that all establishments should have on display, with just under a half confirming that they check-out the certificate whilst entering the restaurant.

4. Acceptable hygiene levels

Perhaps most significant, since the last survey, respondents in England have raised their standards. 38% of those polled – the largest percentage – confirmed that they would not eat at an establishment that had a FHRS rating of less than 4. This is up from the largest category percentage the previous year, which was level 3.

Here at KDC we provide high-quality commercial kitchen cleaning in London and across the UK. For more information on how to optimise your kitchen equipment cleaning to improve your food hygiene rating, call us today on 0208 245 8850 for a free, no-obligation quote.

How Do Consumers Use Your Food Hygiene Rating?
Article Updated On:
January 27, 2025
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